DJS, thank you for the positive feedback on my posts, it's appreciated.
The Rebel.
yesterday a friend invited me to a barbecue .
late in the evening for some reason a guy with tattoos all over his arms, who i didn't know shouted out " i hate jehovers witnesses".
anyway i noted a sudden quietness in the group, but basically the entire comment passed me by.
DJS, thank you for the positive feedback on my posts, it's appreciated.
The Rebel.
instead i would rather spend my days picking fresh cherries from a tree, in fact i am having so much fun i have got the whole family involved, and the freezer is full of red berries, black currents, and today is more strawberry picking.
i have also gone to a farm and made my own yummy honey.. anyway have you been berry picking?
do you have any ideas how i can really enjoy my fresh goodies?
Instead I would rather spend my days picking fresh cherries from a tree, in fact I am having so much fun I have got the whole family involved, and the freezer is full of red berries, black currents, and today is more strawberry picking. I have also gone to a farm and made my own yummy honey.
Anyway have you been berry picking? Do you have any ideas how I can really enjoy my fresh goodies? The wife has been making some red current Jam and my boy loves his whipped cream on strawberries.
The Rebel
I look forward to checking your post history. I hope your now beyond the walls of the Watchtower and therefore recovered from your Jehovers Witness experience.
The Rebel.
yesterday a friend invited me to a barbecue .
late in the evening for some reason a guy with tattoos all over his arms, who i didn't know shouted out " i hate jehovers witnesses".
anyway i noted a sudden quietness in the group, but basically the entire comment passed me by.
Yesterday a friend invited me to a barbecue . Late in the evening for some reason a guy with tattoos all over his arms, who I didn't know shouted out " I hate Jehovers Witnesses". Anyway I noted a sudden quietness in the group, but basically the entire comment passed me by. Infact this morning I had entirely forgotten the comment. That was until the door bell rings as i am preparing my late breakfast. I open the door and the guy with tattoos all down his arms says " sorry about my comment yesterday, I didn't know you were one of them, but your one of the good guys"
Anyway I was impressed by his humility and kindness to apologise. I mean this guy would even if I wasnt an ex-witness I believe have apologized. Infact he didn't before yesterday know me from Adam, yet he makes the time and effort to find where I live and apologise to me for a comment that didn't even offend.
The Rebel.
shouldn't they say thanks for" holding down the fort" until we take over?.
If memory serves me correctly, I believe the answer is down to pride. So it's not a question of the United Nations being evil or not. The issue is that the United Nations, is a proud organisation, govererned by man that has set itself up, to do Jehovers work.
The Rebel.
p.s Comparing Jehovers history of governing man in the old testerment I think the United Nations is doing a very good job.
p.p.s re your O.P heading " Why would God and Jesus hate the United Nations" according to my memory the term " Hate" in watchtower loaded language can mean to love slightly less.
now, the war is over, the weapons were not used and of course have not been found.. how threatening could they be if they did not even use them when being invaded by a massive force (of the countries they hate)?!
perhaps, as many suspect, they didn't use them because they didn't have them?.
now we're being told that we'll have to be patient and give them time to find them.
Slim well maybe Coftys reply to you wasn't in the Quuens English, however he may have had a point :-) . Personally I wish I could debate " Coftys" logic.
Anyway I think you and Cofty should have all your debated posts bound in a leather skin book. They create interesting perspectives, and are actually quite entertaining. The only rule I would suggest, all comments in the " Queens English" " Nuff said"
The Rebel.
p.s Slim I appreciate your comments, they have helped me to not think in black & white and are often in my opinion very courageous.
now, the war is over, the weapons were not used and of course have not been found.. how threatening could they be if they did not even use them when being invaded by a massive force (of the countries they hate)?!
perhaps, as many suspect, they didn't use them because they didn't have them?.
now we're being told that we'll have to be patient and give them time to find them.
Slim I got some great advice by P.M from Cofty on my " Anne Frank" O.P, which I hope he doesn't object to my posting here " Chooce your battles wisely. You are at risk of being misrepresented" ( I wish he had sent that advice 6 months earlier on my " Did Man Land on the Moon O.P" it would have saved me a lot of time and stress :-)
You see I interpreted Coftys, advice to mean that whilst I like a good debate, if I personally don't have the ability to articulate my argument and defend my viewpoint on a sensitive subject, I no longer start the O.P. And that's why only after the Chilcot Report did I post my above comment. Now I feel I am fully justified in saying Blairs truth turned out to be false, and let's hope the outcome leads to Blair being tried for war crimes.
The Rebel.
now, the war is over, the weapons were not used and of course have not been found.. how threatening could they be if they did not even use them when being invaded by a massive force (of the countries they hate)?!
perhaps, as many suspect, they didn't use them because they didn't have them?.
now we're being told that we'll have to be patient and give them time to find them.
Basically the report told us what many already knew, which in a nutshell Blair decided to go to war and wouldn't be swayed or stopped to think. Anyway I am glad I am no longer a conspiracy theorist for having suggested what the Chilcot Report stated.
Therefore my final thought on the matter, in my opinion Blair is incapable of introspection or self- examination.
The Rebel.
if you are romantic, and believe in the underdog, then tonight is an occasion when an extraordinary sporting achievement can become reality.
i am not saying it's as great an achievement as man landing on the moon, but i hope this thread continues after tonight and concludes with wales beating germany in the final on sunday.
now that really would be an achievement more remarkable than man landing on the moon,,.. anyone else watching the game tonight?.
If you are romantic, and believe in the underdog, then tonight is an occasion when an extraordinary sporting achievement can become reality. I am not saying it's as great an achievement as man landing on the moon, but I hope this thread continues after tonight and concludes with Wales beating Germany in the FINAL on Sunday. Now that really would be an achievement more remarkable than man landing on the moon,,.
Anyone else watching the game tonight?
The Rebel.
so i was having this argument with a friend about the westboro baptist idiots.
my point is that while they are horrible people, they are pretty much right in that the bible is against gays because it has verses in both the old and the new testament.
which is one of many reasons to reject the bible as merely man-made rules from ancient middle-easterners.. and she argued that there are problems in translation, etc.
crazyguy " the bible is anti-gay"
The Rebel " Well said "crazyguy" now do we need science or religion to " Love All the People?"
The Rebel.